Monday, 2 November 2020

Sitting With Sciatica At The Office- What Helps Most


Most people who have to sit for a long time to do work often suffer from sciatica and the amount of pain increases by ten times if the person works at an office where he needs to spend longer and longer hours sitting in an ill-equipped swivel chair. There is a specially designed office chair for sciatica nerve pain that can help these people.

However, this question “Sitting with sciatica at the office- what helps most?” often pops up in people’s minds. Have a read to this article to know what things can help most when sitting with sciatica at the office.

Things That Can Help You most to Deal with Sciatica

 at the Office When Sitting

Maintaining Proper Sitting Posture

One of the best things that will help you most when you sit with sciatica at the office is maintaining a proper sitting posture. It will provide comfort to the area of pain and help to reduce the ache.

Consider an Ergonomic Chair

To deal with sciatica's pain, you need to give support to your lower body while sitting. And the best way to that is sitting in a chair that is specially designed for that purpose. Consider an ergonomic chair instead of sitting in a regular chair at the office because this chair will provide the best lower body support while sitting.

Apply Low but Continuous Heat

It can be extremely helpful for you to relieve the pain if you consider applying low but continuous heat, whether using a hot or cold pack on the pain area. Applying a hot pack will expand the amount of blood circulation to muscle tissue and reduce pain. On the flip side, your body’s nerve endings will be calm if you apply cold packs.

Taking Regular Walking Breaks

During office hours do not sit all day long. Try to stand out after some specific time and have a walk. For instance, you can set a phone alarm every 30 minutes and follow that to taking regular standing breaks and walking. Walking calms the muscle nerve and thus you get relief from sciatic pain.

Stretching Frequently

In reducing sciatic pain, frequent stretching can be very beneficial, according to a study. While sitting, if you stretch frequently, it will ease sciatica symptoms and reduce pain sensitivity. But one thing to remember, you should stretch, centralizing your spine and hips to relieve sciatic pain. However, you can also attempt full-body stretching.

Simple Tips to Prevent Sciatica

To prevent sciatica or any other lower-body pain, one thing that helps most is becoming active. It is considered paramount to avoid any kind of lower-body pain. Follow and incorporate these below mentioned simple tips to your lifestyle to prevent sciatica:

      To get extra walking steps, park your car a little bit farther.

      Avoid  using an elevator, take the stairs.

      Set a phone alarm every 30 minutes to walk and stretch when you have to sit for long hours.

      Drink plenty of regular water and stay hydrated.

      Remember to perform simple stretches daily as an exercise.

Sitting With Sciatica At The Office- What Helps Most

  Most people who have to sit for a long time to do work often suffer from sciatica and the amount of pain increases by ten times if the per...